VTE Prevention
While healthcare facilities are aware of the risk of VTE, care providers do not always have the time, training or resources to implement optimal prevention strategies. With the Arjo Flowtron Active Compression System, professional caregivers can deliver secure, convenient and flexible VTE prevention therapy that helps them achieve compliance and optimal clinical efficacy.
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Secure, convenient and flexible VTE Prevention Solution
VTE is a serious condition that causes death and disability worldwide, with 10 million cases each year. In order to safeguard the well-being of at-risk patients, comprehensive venous thromboembolism prevention strategies that take into account individual clinical needs are essential. Download our solution brochure for an overview of IPC as an effective VTE prevention therapy, and how to mitigate the risks.
Key clinical evidence supporting the use of IPC
We invite you to review this clinical resource providing examples of some of the key evidence supporting the use of IPC and specifically the Flowtron Active Compression System as part of a VTE prevention programme. By helping to enable compliance in patient care, the Flowtron Active Compression System is designed to support clinical efficacy. Download our clinical evidence summary to learn more.
1. Jha AK, Larizgoitia I, Audera-Lopez C et al. The global burden of unsafe medical care: analytic modelling of observational studies. BMJ Qual Saf. 2013; 22:809-15.